The Not So Secret Diary of A Diet Gal

February 7, 2008

Diets are just not sociable!

Filed under: Mixed bag kinda day — dietgal @ 5:38 pm

well… i havent really blogged in a while now have i!! i havent really had the best week to be honest… well its actually been a pretty good week but not so good for the diet!

I’ve been thinking about it, and trying to work out why i do this every time i try and diet. If i’m at home, or out with just my boyfriend/kids then i don’t have a problem. I actually find it pretty easy to stick to the diet. We do have some ‘goodies’ at home both for the kids and us (points permitting) but i’m able to just have what i’m allowed and no more.

BUT then the world comes in and spoils it. We went out last friday night. I wanted to have a good time. We hadnt been out together since last October. So i did. I had a great time. But i had a fair few drinks. We went to a nightclub for the first time together!! and then on the way home we had a bag of chips between us…. it was lovely….

but then the next day we were recovering!! we barely ate all day but then had a chinese at night….. and then it was sunday and although i’ve pretty much stuck to points on sun/mon/tues  then wed comes around…

On wed i met a friend. We went for lunch. I didnt want to explain we needed to find a ‘healthy’ place to eat as i’ve said before i’m on diets and it just seems so boring to be honest…. so we had pizza. Only a small personal one and small fries… but still pizza….. and then another takeaway when i got home as we didnt want to cook…..

When i’m at home i can do this. but as soon as i go out i blow it! Then for the couple of days following i find it SO hard to get back into it. So what do i do…. i cant cocoon myself at home until i’ve lost all the weight….. i need to behave when i go out…. but then what about drinks? i dont drink much but when we go out i like to…..

Oh this just isnt fair!

I’m back on points now but i have had a couple of nibbles today that i shouldnt. But i wont be much over points )if at all as having low point dinner) but we’re meant to be going out again to a friends a week tomorrow so what then….. no drinks/food 😦

When i weighed myself AFTER the friday night out/sat takeaway i had still lost 5 lbs….. now i dont know. don’t want to check.

Its weigh day tomorrow but i may skip it and do it next week instead. Don’t want to get even more disheartened….

Wish me luck 🙂 i may need it

January 29, 2008

I have no chocolate!!

Filed under: Fluffy Talk, Good Day — dietgal @ 7:29 pm

eeek….. sounds so strange for me to say that when dieting! I’ve been having the boots shapers bars sometimes and theyre lovely and only 1.5 points each! But i have none! Have to buy a couple tomorrow as going into town to try and get some exercise…

 Its about a 40 min walk to town and then gonna go museum which is about 20 mins from town centre, and then back home so a whole lotta walking. Hopefully do some good…

Food wise, its all been good. Still within points. I did give in to the chinese but i couldnt eat as much as i usually do (yay! appetite is shrinking) and sneakily weighed myself the next day and put nothing on….

Todays food is

  • brekkie – 2 slices homemade granary bread toasted
  • lunch – bowl organic oat/fruit type cereal
  • fresh tomato soup/toast or sarnies with it. Not decided yet
  • May have pud of weightwatchers brownie as willhave enough points

Only thing now is that on friday we’re off out. Without the kids 🙂

We havent been out just the two of us since about last october so well deserved i think…. Just that for that day i wont be on points! Gonna have a few drinks 🙂 maybe some food and generally just really want to enjoy myself. I’m planning on trying to be under points until friday and take it easy afterwards for a few days to account for it…. Hope it works. I’d hate to undo all the work so far! But you gotta have some fun sometimes ya know!

Right off to get soup…. Nite nite

January 27, 2008

Weigh in and catchup…again!!

Filed under: Good Day, Weekly Weigh In — dietgal @ 12:46 pm

Well here i am again…playing catchup! I must like this game i play it often enough!

 Well first things first. Last friday (2 days ago) was my second weigh in. I lost 2lbs bringing my total to 5lbs now 🙂 Yay!

I’m still behaving myself. Obviously can’t remember what meals i’ve had exactly but i know my mood hasnt changed (well regarding the diet anyhow!) I know each day i’ve been on or under points. Yesterday was  tough day, i felt very hungry for some reason and tried hard not to nibble. Last night i REALLY fancied a chinese takeout but we put dinner on quick instead! Had pasta and sauce with quorn dippers so filling but within my points limit.

I dont actually go to weightwatchers classes at all. (just incase you wondered). I got given the weightwatchers book and calculator a fair few years back by my sister in law when she no longer wanted it. I just use those. I cant afford right now to join up either online or in ‘real’ life and to be honest its not really me, going to groups about losing weight.

I use to calculator to work out the points of each food (you can get these on ebay too) and i also joined the weightwatchers forum on their website (its free to join that and to post there too). I can get tips and ideas from there including recipes.

I’m really hungry today cause i’m cooking the kiddies a roast type dinner this lunchtime! The smell is yummy! But i’m having a salad sarnie for lunch and me and me man will eat our main meal later! (just hope the chinese doesnt rear its head again! We usually have it bout once a week… I do know i had one and still lost 5lbs in two weeks so cant be too bad can it!)

Oh i do remember we had a lovely veg stir fry a couple of times recently. They were yummy and a massive plate full is only 6 points! We had mangetout, baby sweetcorn, 3 colours of peppers, onion, mushrooms, beansprouts and some noodles. All stir fried with my OH’s special spices he uses to make it yummy! (no idea what he uses)… they were gorgeous, filling and Low point!

right best go sort their food out. Back soon…. Promise!

January 21, 2008

Why i like Weightwatchers

Filed under: Fluffy Talk — dietgal @ 11:44 am

thought i’d do a post about why i’m on this diet as compared to hundreds of others out there!

For one, its the only diet thats ever worked for me. This is probably due to how much i like food. I dont like to feel deprived and that i’m on a ‘diet’ as such. I dont like to think i ‘can’t’ have chocolate or cake or anything else considered unhealthy.

On weightwatchers i get to have those things, i just make different choices in most cases. When it comes to chocolate, i just pick a lower cal type bar and its managable on points. I dont feel deprived. I can eat and usually i’m pretty full most of the time.

I have tried other diets and within a day or two im pulling my hair out! If i simply try and ‘cut down’ and eat healthier then i berate myself each time i eat ANYTHING remotely unhealthy even though in moderation most things are okay

I do think it helps that we’re veggie. Most of the meat alternatives are very low fat and lower calories and so are less points. I dont have cheese much at all but when i do i buy a lowfat one from tesco which is only 1 point for 30g (very low for cheese)…

As i lose weight and i will lose weight, im determined this time it will last. My points will go down but hopefully this wont cause a prob as its in stages and my weight will be less and stomach more used to less food etc…..

I do need to work on my exercise, i know this. For me there are other issues which i wont go into why exercise is a bit of a problem for me right now, i do plan to go out walking more and that should help. Its been bloody raining too much lately (not that i should let it stop me, but its hardly motivating is it??)

So how thin do i want to get, for the record i dont like that word! thin! I dont want to be thin, i actually prefer a woman to look like a woman. I’d probably like to be a size 12. I dont know how much i’d have to weigh to be that. I do remember before i had my son (hes 11) i was about a 12-14 (still have some of the clothes) so would like to get that again and i think i was about 10stone or just under. I’d prob need to be about 9 1/2 stone! For my height i should be a bit less but believe me if i get to that then i’ll be so busy dancing for joy i simply wont care!

Right, off to do some housework now (also exercise – kinda) and then some lunch as i skipped brekkie today (i know i shouldnt)…. oh and its my period this week so i REALLY hope i manage to control those cravings! I’m trying to save a few points each day for junk that way i should get through it fairly unharmed…..

damn i can waffle cant i!

Bit of a catch-up

Filed under: Good Day — dietgal @ 11:31 am

Morning…. Well i’ve started missed posting daily already!! Tut Tut! Now i have to try and remember what i ate a couple of days ago and believe me thats no easy task with my memory!

I do know i havent gone over points so i guess thats the main thing. One thing i’ve noticed i’m able to do is miss a meal which is something i NEVER usually do! I’m a definate foody person and love eating so to miss a meal is usually just too bizarre an idea! My tum is obviously getting used to less calories!

OH as for the coffee cake dilemma! I didnt like it :):):):) Thing is, i love coffee things, adore them… however… i do like them to taste quite strongly of coffee and to be honest i was surprised a tiramisu cake from italy wasnt coffee enough for me! The cake tasted stale (wasnt) and wasnt coffee cake, plain cake with tiramisu bit and the outside cream bit was frankly yucky! (I’ve never been so happy to take a bite and say i dont like it!!!)

I do remember yesterdays food….

  • brekkie – crumpets with low-fat cheese spread
  • Lunch – Nothing
  • Dinner – Wild Mushroom soup, toast and some crisps
  • Snacks – Yesterday had 2 jaffa cakes and a lowfat rich tea biscuit, oh and a weighwatchers brownie cake

January 18, 2008

Weigh In and Coffee Cake!

Filed under: Fluffy Talk, Good Day, Weekly Weigh In — dietgal @ 8:49 pm

The kids are out tonight and so only here briefly!

Weigh in this morning …… 1st week  – 3lbs lost! Yay! Lots to go but baby steps, we all have to start somewhere dont we!

Food today

  •  brekkie – Nothing (bit busy!)
  • Lunch – Low fat cheese spread on toast/crisps (love my crisps)
  • Dinner – Tortilla wrap with salad and mixture of peppers,mushrooms,onion, veggie beef pieces, spices etc, salsa

Now the problem! I have a ‘thing’ for all things coffee! Some people love it, some hate it, me…. i love coffee choc, cake, icecream…. coffee anything! So today, what do we get given as a gift??? Well…. my boyfriends lovely Aunt and Uncle gave us an Italian Coffee Tiramisu Cake…Its HUGE, In a gorgeous box and has coffee beans over it, coffee cream, OH MY GOD, why couldnt we be given this last week!

I do have a few points left today so will have a SMALL piece but this is gonna be SOOOOOO hard! What i really wanna do is grab a fork and just sit and eat lots and lots 🙂 (just gotta remember 3lbs!!!)

Nite nite, wish me luck!

January 17, 2008

Good day but been bloody hungry!

Filed under: Mixed bag kinda day — dietgal @ 8:50 pm

Really dont know why but today i’ve been really hungry! I havent given in though so feel bit proud of meself!!

 Dinners almost ready so just a quick blog to say what i’ve had today. Its the first weigh tomorrow morning, and i really hope i’ve lost a pound or two. I do know from previous times when i’ve had a chinese i often put on 2 pound and then a day or so later its gone again!! (I weigh myself ALOT usually)… just hope its gone tomorrow!

right enough worrying! todays food has been

  •  brekkie – bran flakes & semi-skim milk
  • Lunch – 2 toast with low fat cheese triangle spread and packet of crisps
  • Dinner – pasta, sweet pepper sauce, mushrooms, chicken style dippers (veggie ones and only 32 cals each AND Low Fat!), 2 slices homemade low fat garlic bread

Again, seems alot but not even upto my points…. I do know i need to eat more veg, i’m not a big fruit eater and one thing on weightwatchers i DONT like is how fruit is points…. i understand why, i mean it has calories etc so it has points but it stops me eating it as i dont like it too much.

I DO however love most veg, the shopping is due tomorrow though and got lots of veg coming so will have some extra to make up 🙂

Oh and the kids are out tomorrow night and so usually have a treat! will have to think up something low points that i can have 🙂

off to eat now, byeeee

(oh and a comment wouldnt be bad, if anyone is reading! But be nice 🙂

technically ok but feel guilty!

Filed under: Uncategorized — dietgal @ 9:13 am

morning….. just a quickie catchup as lots to do! Yesterday was technically a good day, well at  least i THINK it was…. basically we had a takeaway! It had been a VERY long day for various reasons and last night we REALLY didnt want to cook… we have shopping being delivered today and tomorrow with lots of ideal foods and the kitchen just seemed so uninspiring half empty! We had planned a meal but then realised one thing out of the freezer needed defrosting first before cooking so that ended that meal idea as we would have had to wait til morning!! (we dont have a microwave)

All day i’d only had one slice of toast in the morning so by evening was hungry!

I checked on the WW forum and found points for various dishes from chinese takeaway…. Fortunately being veggie we dont have the highest point meals….. so we had a chinese, i THINK i was still within my points seeing as i’d barely used any and had a whole days worth practically left! Just wish they came with WW points on the front so i could be sure!

Anyhows…. off to do my day now (but getting some brekkie first) so have fun everyone…. back later to tell of todays exploits….

yesterdays food was

  • brekkie- one slice toast
  • lunch – nothing
  • dinner – chinese takeaway

no snacks either all day

Right back soon x

January 15, 2008

Just a quick catchup

Filed under: Good Day — dietgal @ 11:58 pm

as its pretty late and im getting a wee bit tired now!

Todays been another successful day, in that i stuck to the diet!! Its been a pretty busy day at home today, sorting alot of things out and stuff so ended up skipping lunch! (SO not like me)….. I also did a big food shop online at tesco and asda! I was really good, we sat down beforehand and wrote a list of the foods we needed to buy to be able to produce the meals we listed as low point ones and then added extra bits for lunches, kids snacks, breakfasts etc and i just finished ordering it all. I’ve been real good, only buying a few treats to have in that are ok for the diet….

todays food goes like this

  • brekkie – 2 slices granary toast – low fat peanut butter
  • lunch – Nothing
  • Dinner – Homemade curry and rice with homemade garlic bread (low points)
  • snacks – small choc bar tonight
  • drinks – coffee/tea and water

Even with that food im still under points today! really makes a different if youre careful, you can eat lots but stay within the points! I’m liking this diet….

I even left some dinner as i was full, my tummy is already getting used to less food!

Well, bye for now

January 14, 2008

I’m so unfit!

Filed under: Good Day — dietgal @ 11:57 pm

Okay, tonight i’ll do a catch up of yesterday and then do todays food cause my memory is useless (must be an age thing!) and i wont remember what i ate otherwise!

Both today and yesterday still been good days, i could get used to this! Just hope its working! I’ll know on friday. They do say its best to come off slowly but first week i wont mind if i lose say stone and half (thats not asking too much is it 😉 (just kidding! – couple of pounds and i’ll be happy)

Yesterday food went something like this

  • brekkie – it was sunday so had low fat peanut butter on toast in bed (one of my favs)
  • Lunch – bowl of branflakes – semi-skim milk
  • Dinner – organic new potatoes from a jar (so so sweet and only 2 points for whole jar!!), mushrooms, peas and 2 cheese crispy pancakes (processed food yes but also yummy i think)

still seems like alot of food but i think its all down to the choices we make. I could have eaten the same amount of food but doubled or trebled the points easily by choosing a few other options…. Also im not snacking during the day and not eating in the evenings after dinner

Todays food

  • brekkie – branflakes (i see a pattern emerging – me likes branflakes)
  • lunch – low fat cheese spread on toast and crisps
  • Dinner – Pitta bread stuffed with salad, and our mixture made up of – peppers, mushrooms, onion, variety of spices and veggie beef style pieces

i MAY have a dib-dab when i go upstairs in a sec whilst i play on the computer!! Theyre only 1 point, they have ZERO fat and i get a lolly to suck and sherbert to dip in! How cool are they for 1 point!

I’m pretty chuffed with myself, i know its only been a few days but i’m not slipping, i dont even feel the need to either. Today we made a list up of all the lowish point potential meals we could have and will work out the exact points tomorrow, then we wont have to add the blooming points each time as thats just so boring!!

Oh just remember my title…. yes, im VERY VERY unfit! I manage to do masses about the house but i wanted to ease myself into the exercise thing gradually…. so i had the bright idea of using the stairs yesterday and today…… I go up and down 10 times and im KNACKERED, thats up and down again counts as one but STILL….. though my boyfriend pointed out thats like 5 flights of stairs and lots of people would be knackered! Hmm i’m not so sure!

Oh and i set myself a goal today but its a rude one so cant tell…. Hehe

well nite nite, back soon

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